

Forefront Entertainment; Studios and Productions
Exposing the Possibilities!
FESP is about taking the cutting edge, the forefront, the leading role in all forms of the entertainment industry! Movies, Music, Concerts, Theatre, Productions of all types, shapes, and sizes are at their best when they are pushing the envelope. The best entertainment of our time has been from sources that did more than anyone else was doing, more than others thought could be done. We do more than others think is possible. We dream on a higher level than others can dream. We create with our creator pushing aside the darkness to show that He CAN and He WILL!
Inspired by those who came before like, Apple, Lucas Films, Pixar, Google, and others... we see a bright future filled with things people haven't seen or imagined yet. We are a private owned company that puts God first in everything!
What is Forefront: 
Forefront: Beginning, Center, Cutting Edge, Focus, Front, Lead, Leading Edge, Limelight, Spearhead, State of the Art...
Websters 1828 - Forefront: The foremost part, the front of the battle. It is the part where the contest is most warm and where the soldier is most exposed! (2 Sam 11:15)
Cutting Edge: A sharp effect or quality. The Foremost part of place; Vangaurd
Our founding scriptures:
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think , according to the power that worketh in us...
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light...
Contact us:
Forefront Entertainment 
 Address: PO Box 1001 Newark, TX 76071 
 Phone: (903) 345-5965 